Using the CLI or API


Every function of Krill can be controlled from the command line interface (CLI). The Krill CLI is a wrapper around the API which is based on JSON over HTTPS.

We will document all current functions below, providing examples of both the CLI and API.

Note that you can use the CLI from another machine, but then you will need to set up a proxy server in front of Krill and make sure that it has a real TLS certificate.

To use the CLI you need to invoke krillc followed by one or more subcommands, and some arguments. Help is built-in:

    krillc <subcommand..> [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

        --api        Only show the API call and exit. Or set env: KRILL_CLI_API=1
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --ca <name>         The name of the CA you wish to control. Or set env: KRILL_CLI_MY_CA
    -f, --format <type>     Report format: none|json|text (default). Or set env: KRILL_CLI_FORMAT
    -s, --server <URI>      The full URI to the krill server. Or set env: KRILL_CLI_SERVER
    -t, --token <string>    The secret token for the krill server. Or set env: KRILL_CLI_TOKEN

Setting Defaults

As noted in the OPTIONS help text above you can set default values via environment variables for the most common arguments that need to be supplied to krillc subcommands. When setting environment variables note the following requirements:

  • KRILL_CLI_SERVER must be in the form https://<host:port>/.

  • KRILL_CLI_MY_CA must consist only of alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores, i.e. a-zA-Z0-9_.

For example:

export KRILL_CLI_TOKEN="correct-horse-battery-staple"
export KRILL_CLI_MY_CA="Acme-Corp-Intl"

If you do use the command line argument equivalents, you will override whatever value you set in the ENV. Krill will give you a friendly error message if you did not set the applicable ENV variable, and don’t include the command line argument equivalent.

Explore the API

The reference below documents the available krillc subcommands and the equivalent API functions by example.

You can also explore the CLI and API yourself:

  • Each subcommand can be prefixed with help to access the CLI built-in help

  • You can always use --api argument to make the CLI print out the API call that it would do, without actually sending it to the server.

  • You can use --format=json to have the API print out the JSON returned by the server without reformatting or filtering information. Of course, be careful if you use this option for subcommands with side-effects, such as krillc delete --ca <ca>

If you want a to have a safe sandbox environment to test your Krill CA and really explore the API, then we recommend that you set up a local Krill testbed as described in Running a Krill Test Environment.

Tip: Click subcommand names in this section to jump to its detailed description.

Subcommands for managing your Krill server:

config        Creates a configuration file for krill and prints it to STDOUT
health        Perform an authenticated health check
info          Show server info

Subcommands for adding / removing CA instances in your Krill server:

add           Add a new CA
delete        Delete a CA and let it withdraw its objects and request revocation. WARNING: Irreversible!
list          List the current CAs

Subcommands for initialising a CA:

parents       Manage parents for a CA.
repo          Manage the repository for a CA.

Subcommands for showing the details of a CA:

show          Show details of a CA.
issues        Show issues for a CA
history       Show the history of a CA

Manage ROAs:

roas          Manage ROAs for a CA.

Other operations:

bulk          Manually trigger refresh/republish/resync for all CAs
children      Manage children for a CA
keyroll       Perform a manual key rollover for a CA

krillc config

This subcommand is implemented on the CLI only and is intended to help generate a configuration file which can be used for your Krill server.

We currently support two subcommands for this: krillc config simple and krillc config user. The first can be used to generate general server configuration. The second can be used to generate user (id) entries to use if you want to have multiple local users access the Krill UI by their own name and password.

krillc health

Perform an authenticated health check. Verifies that the specified Krill server can be connected to, is able to verify the specified token and is, at least thus far, healthy. This does NOT check whether your CAs have any issues, please have a look at the issues subcommand for this.

Can be used in automation scripts by checking the exit code:

Exit Code



the Krill server appears to be healthy.


incorrect server URI, token, connection failure or server error.

Example CLI:

$ krillc health
$ echo $?

Example API:

$ krillc health --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret

If you need to do an unauthorized health check, then you can just call the following endpoint instead. This will always return a 200 OK response if the server is running:


krillc info

Show server info. Prints the version of the Krill server and the date and time that it was last started, e.g.:

Example CLI:

$ krillc info
Version: 0.9.0
Started: 2021-04-07T12:36:00+00:00

Example API call:

$ krillc info --api
    Authorization: Bearer secret

Example API resonse:

  "version": "0.9.0",
  "started": 1617798960

krillc add

Adds a new CA.

When adding a CA you need to choose a handle, essentially just a name. The term “handle” comes from RFC 8183 and is used in the communication protocol between parent and child CAs, as well as CAs and publication servers. The handle may consist of alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores, i.e. a-zA-Z0-9_.

The handle you select is not published in the RPKI but used as identification to parent and child CAs you interact with. You should choose a handle that helps others recognise your organisation. Once set, the handle cannot be be changed as it would interfere with the communication between parent and child CAs, as well as the publication repository.

When a CA has been added, it is registered to publish locally in the Krill instance where it exists, but other than that it has no configuration yet. In order to do anything useful with a CA you will first have to add at least one parent to it, followed by some Route Origin Authorisations and/or child CAs.

Example CLI:

$ krillc add --ca newca

Example API:

$ krillc add --ca newca --api
  content-type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer secret
  "handle": "newca"

The API response is an empty 200 OK response, unless an issue occurred - e.g. the handle was already in use:

{"label":"ca-duplicate","msg":"CA 'newca' was already initialised","args":{"ca":"newca"}}

krillc delete

Deletes a CA in your Krill server. The CA will try (best effort) to request revocation of its current certificates from its parents, and withdraw its objects from its repository.


This action is irreversible!

Example CLI:

$ krillc delete --ca ca

Example API:

$ krillc delete --ca ca --api
   Authorization: Bearer secret

The API response is an empty 200 OK response, unless an issue occurred - e.g. the CA is not known:

{"label":"ca-unknown","msg":"CA 'unknown' is unknown","args":{"ca":"unknown"}}

krillc list

List the current CAs.

Example CLI:

$ krillc list

Example API:

$ krillc list --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret

Example API response:

  "cas": [
      "handle": "testbed"
      "handle": "ta"

krillc parents

Manage parents for a CA. You will need to add at least one parent, and a repository (see below), before your CA can request any resource certificate.

The Krill CLI and API have a number of subcommands to manage CA parents:

request    Show RFC8183 Publisher Request XML
add        Add a parent to this CA
statuses   Show overview of all parent statuses of a CA
contact    Show contact information for a parent of this CA
remove     Remove an existing parent from this CA

krillc parents request

Before you can add a parent to any CA, you will need to present an RFC 8183 Publisher Request XML to that parent. Their response XML can then be used to add them as a parent.

For more information on how this is done through the UI see: Parent Setup.

Example CLI:

$ krillc parents request --ca newca
<child_request xmlns="" version="1" child_handle="newca">

The API can be called to return the Publisher Request in XML format if you use the following path scheme:

  Authorization: Bearer secret

The API also supports a JSON equivalent of the response if the child_request.json is requested instead:

  Authorization: Bearer secret

krillc parents add

Add a parent to a CA. Or update the information for an existing parent.

In order to add a parent to a CA you will need to present the RFC 8183 Parent Response. You will usually get this response in the standard RFC XML format. The Krill API supports submitting this file in its plain XML form, in which case the local name for the parent - i.e. the name that your CA will use for it in the presentation to you - will be derived from the path, or if it is not supplied there from the parent_handle in the XML.

The API also supports a JSON format where the parent local handle can be explicitly specified. If you use the CLI then it will expect that you provide this local handle, parse a supplied XML file, and then combine both in a JSON body sent to the server:

$ krillc parents add --parent my_parent --response ./data/new-ca-parent-response.xml --api
  content-type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer secret
  "handle": "my_parent",
  "contact": {
    "type": "rfc6492",
    "tag": null,
    "id_cert": "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",
    "parent_handle": "testbed",
    "child_handle": "newca",
    "service_uri": "https://localhost:3000/rfc6492/testbed"

Note that whichever handle you choose, your CA will use the handles that the parent response included for itself and for your CA in its communication with this parent. I.e. you may want to inspect the response and use the same handle for the parent (parent_handle attribute), and do not be surprised or alarmed if the parent refers to your ca (child_handle attribute) by some seemingly random name. Some parents do this to ensure uniqueness.

In case you have multiple parents you may want to refer to them by names that make sense in your context, or to avoid name collisions in case they all like to go by the same the name.

In order to specify the parent ‘handle’ on the path it can simply be added as a path parameter in the call. This is primarily intended for XML in which case the path argument will be taken from here. If you submit a JSON body and specify a the handle as path parameter, then Krill will return an error in case the handles do not match.


The API path for ADDING a parent is the same as the API path for updating a parent. This means that adding the same parent multiple times is idempotent. If you are unsure about The parents that your CA currently has, then have a look at the show subcommand.

krillc parents statuses

Show the current status between a CA and all of its parents.


This command will return an empty result if you did not yet configure a repository for the CA. This is because Krill will not even attempt to contact parent CAs until it knows which URIs to use in certificate requests.

Example CLI:

$  krillc parents statuses --ca newca
Parent: my_parent
URI: https://localhost:3000/rfc8181/localname/
Status: success
Last contacted: 2021-04-08T11:20:00+00:00
Resource Entitlements: asn: AS65000, ipv4:, ipv6: 2001:db8::/32
  resource class: 0
  entitled resources: asn: 'AS65000', ipv4: '', ipv6: '2001:db8::/32'
  entitled not after: 2023-03-15T14:23:57+00:00
  issuing cert uri: rsync://localhost/repo/ta/0/0BA5C132B94891CB2D3A89EDE12F01ACA4BCD3DC.cer
  issuing cert PEM:


  received certificate(s):
    published at: rsync://localhost/repo/testbed/0/16B31C92EB116BC60026C50944AD44205DD9ACBD.cer
    resources:    asn: AS65000, v4:, v6: 2001:db8::/32
    cert PEM:


Note that in case there are any issues, i.e. the status is “failure” then Krill will keep trying to resynchronise the CA with this parent automatically. There is usually no need to trigger this manually before the next planned contact, but you can use krillc bulk refresh if you are debugging an issue.

The JSON response returned by the server contains some additional information, in particular about the certificates used by parent CAs to sign the certificates of your CA:

  "my_parent": {
    "last_exchange": {
      "timestamp": 1617881400,
      "uri": "https://localhost:3000/rfc8181/localname/",
      "result": "Success"
    "last_success": 1617881400,
    "all_resources": {
      "asn": "AS65000",
      "ipv4": "",
      "ipv6": "2001:db8::/32"
    "classes": [
        "class_name": "0",
        "resource_set": {
          "asn": "AS65000",
          "ipv4": "",
          "ipv6": "2001:db8::/32"
        "not_after": "2023-03-15T14:23:57Z",
        "issued_certs": [
            "uri": "rsync://localhost/repo/testbed/0/16B31C92EB116BC60026C50944AD44205DD9ACBD.cer",
            "req_limit": {},
            "cert": "MII..."
        "signing_cert": {
          "url": "rsync://localhost/repo/ta/0/0BA5C132B94891CB2D3A89EDE12F01ACA4BCD3DC.cer",
          "cert": "MII..."

Example API:

$ krillc parents statuses --ca newca --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret

krillc parents contact

Show contact information for a parent of this CA.

This can be useful for verifying that the parent contact information matches the RFC 8183 Parent Response that is expected for the given parent.

The API returns the response in JSON format, but this is converted to XML by the CLI when the default text format is used.

$ krillc parents contact --ca newca --parent my_parent

Here we will show the JSON output:

  "type": "rfc6492",
  "tag": null,
  "id_cert": "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",
  "parent_handle": "testbed",
  "child_handle": "newca",
  "service_uri": "https://localhost:3000/rfc6492/testbed"

Example API:

$ krillc parents contact --ca newca --parent my_parent --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret

krillc parents remove

Remove an existing parent from this CA.

The CA will do a best effort attempt to request revocation of any certificate received under the parent - meaning that if the parent cannot be reached the operation just continues without error. After all a parent may well be removed because it is no longer reachable. Furthermore any RPKI published under those certificate(s) will be withdrawn.

Note that although revocations are requested the parent may not be aware that they have been removed. You may want to notify them through different channels. The RPKI provisioning protocol RFC 6492 does not have verbs by which a child CA can ask the parent to be removed completely.

Example CLI:

$ krillc parents remove --ca newca --parent my_parent

Example API:

$ krillc parents remove --ca newca --parent my_parent --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret

krillc repo

Manage the repository where a CA will publish its objects. There are a number of subcommands provided for this:

    krillc repo [SUBCOMMAND]

    request    Show RFC8183 Publisher Request
    configure     Configure which repository this CA uses
    show       Show current repo config
    status      Show current repo status

krillc repo request

Show the RFC 8183 Publisher Request XML for a CA. You will need to hand this over to your repository so that they can add your CA.

Example CLI:

$ krillc repo request --ca newca
<publisher_request xmlns="" version="1" publisher_handle="newca">

The CLI will present the Publisher Request in its RFC XML format by default. The API supports both the XML and an equivalent JSON format dependent on the file extension used in the request URI:


  Authorization: Bearer secret


  Authorization: Bearer secret

krillc repo configure

This is used to configure the repository used by a CA.

Your CA needs a repository configuration before it will request any certificates from parents. You can chose to configure a repository first and then add the first parent to your CA, or vice versa. The order does not matter, but both are needed for your CA to function.

You can use the CLI to configure a repository by submitting the RFC 8183 Repository Response XML to your CA. Before committing the configuration Krill checks whether the Publication Server can be reached and responds to a query sent by your CA. If this fails, then an error is reported and the configuration is aborted. You can try again when you think the issue has been resolved.

Example CLI:

$ krillc repo configure --ca newca --response ./data/new-ca-repository-response.xml

The API will accept the plain RFC 8183 Repository Response XML if it’s posted to the API path for the CA in question, but the CLI will post the XML formatted as its JSON equivalent:

Example API:

$ krillc repo configure --ca newca --response ./data/new-ca-repository-response.xml --api
  content-type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer secret
  "repository_response": {
    "tag": null,
    "publisher_handle": "localname",
    "id_cert": "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",
    "service_uri": "https://localhost:3000/rfc8181/localname/",
    "repo_info": {
      "sia_base": "rsync://localhost/repo/localname/",
      "rrdp_notification_uri": "https://localhost:3000/rrdp/notification.xml"


If you need to change your repository configuration, then follow this process to migrate your CA to a new repository.

krillc repo status

This subcommand can be used to verify the status between a CA and its repository. Note that Krill will keep trying to re-sync CAs with their repositories in case of any issues and the response includes an indication of the next planned moment for this. In other words, there should not be a need to trigger this synchronisation manually, but for the impatient, you can use krillc bulk sync.

Example CLI:

$ krillc repo status --ca newca
URI: https://localhost:3000/rfc8181/localname/
Status: success
Last contacted: 2021-04-08T09:53:27+00:00
Next contact on or before: 2021-04-09T01:53:27+00:00

So the CLI text output does NOT include the files which are published. If you want to see these files then you can look at the JSON response instead:

  "last_exchange": {
    "timestamp": 1617875607,
    "uri": "https://localhost:3000/rfc8181/localname/",
    "result": "Success"
  "next_exchange_before": 1617933207,
  "published": [
      "uri": "rsync://localhost/repo/localname/0/16B31C92EB116BC60026C50944AD44205DD9ACBD.mft"
      "base64": "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",
      "uri": "rsync://localhost/repo/localname/0/16B31C92EB116BC60026C50944AD44205DD9ACBD.crl"

Example API:

$ krillc repo status --ca newca --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret

krillc repo show

Show the repository configuration for your CA.

Example CLI:

$ krillc repo show --ca newca
Repository Details:
  service uri: https://localhost:3000/rfc8181/localname/
  base_uri:    rsync://localhost/repo/localname/
  rpki_notify: https://localhost:3000/rrdp/notification.xml

Example API:

$ krillc repo show --ca newca --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret

krillc show

Shows lots of details of a CA. Note, we may still extend the JSON response in future but we will aim to add new information only.

Example CLI:

$ krillc show --ca newca
Name:     newca

Base uri: rsync://localhost/repo/localname/
RRDP uri: https://localhost:3000/rrdp/notification.xml

ID cert PEM:

Hash: 992ac17d85fef11d8be4aa37806586ce68b61fe9cf65c0965928dbce0c398a99

Total resources:
    ASNs: AS65000
    IPv6: 2001:db8::/32

Handle: my_parent Kind: RFC 6492 Parent

Resource Class: 0
Parent: my_parent
State: active    Resources:
    ASNs: AS65000
    IPv6: 2001:db8::/32


Example JSON response of the API:

  "handle": "newca",
  "id_cert": {
    "pem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nbXTPM8YLRgc=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
    "hash": "992ac17d85fef11d8be4aa37806586ce68b61fe9cf65c0965928dbce0c398a99"
  "repo_info": {
    "sia_base": "rsync://localhost/repo/localname/",
    "rrdp_notification_uri": "https://localhost:3000/rrdp/notification.xml"
  "parents": [
      "handle": "my_parent",
      "kind": "rfc6492"
  "resources": {
    "asn": "AS65000",
    "ipv4": "",
    "ipv6": "2001:db8::/32"
  "resource_classes": {
    "0": {
      "name_space": "0",
      "parent_handle": "my_parent",
      "keys": {
        "active": {
          "active_key": {
            "key_id": "16B31C92EB116BC60026C50944AD44205DD9ACBD",
            "incoming_cert": {
              "uri": "rsync://localhost/repo/testbed/0/16B31C92EB116BC60026C50944AD44205DD9ACBD.cer",
              "resources": {
                "asn": "AS65000",
                "ipv4": "",
                "ipv6": "2001:db8::/32"
            "request": null
  "children": [],
  "suspended_children": []

Example API call:

$ krillc show --ca newca --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret

krillc issues

Show issues for CAs. The response will be empty unless there are actual current issues.

Example CLI:

$ krillc issues --ca newca
no issues found

Example JSON response with issues:

  "repo_issue": {
    "label": "sys-http-client",
    "msg": "HTTP client error: Access Forbidden",
    "args": {
      "cause": "Access Forbidden"
  "parent_issues": [
      "parent": "parent",
      "issue": {
        "label": "rfc6492-invalid-signature",
        "msg": "Invalidly signed RFC 6492 CMS",
        "args": {}

Example API call:

$ krillc issues --ca newca --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret

krillc history

Show the history of a CA. Using this command you can show the history of all the things that happened to your CA.

There are two subcommands for this:

    krillc history [SUBCOMMAND]

    commands    Show the commands sent to a CA
    details     Show details for a command in the history of a CA

krillc history commands

With this subcommand you can look at an overview of all commands that were sent to a CA.

Example CLI:

$ krillc history commands --ca newca
2021-04-07T15:25:01Z::Add parent 'my_parent' as 'RFC 6492 Parent' ::command--1617809101--1--cmd-ca-parent-add::OK
2021-04-08T09:53:23Z::Update repo to server at: https://localhost:3000/rfc8181/localname/ ::command--1617875603--2--cmd-ca-repo-update::OK
2021-04-08T09:53:24Z::Update entitlements under parent 'my_parent': 0 => asn: AS65000, v4:, v6: 2001:db8::/32  ::command--1617875604--3--cmd-ca-parent-entitlements::OK
2021-04-08T09:53:25Z::Update received cert in RC '0', with resources 'asn: 1 blocks, v4: 1 blocks, v6: 1 blocks' ::command--1617875605--4--cmd-ca-rcn-receive::OK

The JSON response includes some data which we do not (yet) show in the text output - e.g. the name of the user who sent a command. This will become more relevant in future as people start using the multi-user feature of the Krill UI:

  "offset": 0,
  "total": 4,
  "commands": [
      "key": "command--1617809101--1--cmd-ca-parent-add",
      "actor": "master-token",
      "timestamp": 1617809101616,
      "handle": "newca",
      "version": 1,
      "sequence": 1,
      "summary": {
        "msg": "Add parent 'my_parent' as 'RFC 6492 Parent'",
        "label": "cmd-ca-parent-add",
        "args": {
          "parent": "my_parent",
          "parent_contact": "RFC 6492 Parent"
      "effect": {
        "result": "success",
        "events": [
      "key": "command--1617875603--2--cmd-ca-repo-update",
      "actor": "master-token",
      "timestamp": 1617875603613,
      "handle": "newca",
      "version": 2,
      "sequence": 2,
      "summary": {
        "msg": "Update repo to server at: https://localhost:3000/rfc8181/localname/",
        "label": "cmd-ca-repo-update",
        "args": {
          "service_uri": "https://localhost:3000/rfc8181/localname/"
      "effect": {
        "result": "success",
        "events": [
      "key": "command--1617875604--3--cmd-ca-parent-entitlements",
      "actor": "krill",
      "timestamp": 1617875604550,
      "handle": "newca",
      "version": 3,
      "sequence": 3,
      "summary": {
        "msg": "Update entitlements under parent 'my_parent': 0 => asn: AS65000, v4:, v6: 2001:db8::/32 ",
        "label": "cmd-ca-parent-entitlements",
        "args": {
          "parent": "my_parent"
      "effect": {
        "result": "success",
        "events": [
      "key": "command--1617875605--4--cmd-ca-rcn-receive",
      "actor": "krill",
      "timestamp": 1617875605662,
      "handle": "newca",
      "version": 5,
      "sequence": 4,
      "summary": {
        "msg": "Update received cert in RC '0', with resources 'asn: 1 blocks, v4: 1 blocks, v6: 1 blocks'",
        "label": "cmd-ca-rcn-receive",
        "args": {
          "asn_blocks": "1",
          "class_name": "0",
          "ipv4_blocks": "1",
          "ipv6_blocks": "1",
          "resources": "asn: AS65000, v4:, v6: 2001:db8::/32"
      "effect": {
        "result": "success",
        "events": [

The CLI and API support pagination:

--after <<RFC 3339 DateTime>>     Show commands issued after date/time in RFC 3339 format, e.g. 2020-04-
--before <<RFC 3339 DateTime>>    Show commands issued after date/time in RFC 3339 format, e.g. 2020-04-
--offset <<number>>               Number of results to skip
--rows <<number>>                 Number of rows (max 250)

And these values are converted to path parameters in the API call:

$ krillc history commands --ca newca --after 2020-12-01T00:00:00Z --before 2021-04-09T00:00:00Z --rows 2 --offset 1 --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret

krillc history details

Show details for a specific historic CA command. This subcommand expects the command key as reported by krillc history commands.

The text output of the CLI will show a summary of the command details, and the state changes in the CA (called events) that followed:

$ krillc history details --ca newca --key command--1617875604--3--cmd-ca-parent-entitlements
Time:   2021-04-08T09:53:24Z
Action: Update entitlements under parent 'my_parent': 0 => asn: AS65000, v4:, v6: 2001:db8::/32
  added resource class with name '0'
  requested certificate for key (hash) '16B31C92EB116BC60026C50944AD44205DD9ACBD' under resource class '0'

If you want to see the full details, then have a look at the JSON response instead:

  "command": {
    "actor": "krill",
    "time": "2021-04-08T09:53:24.550017Z",
    "handle": "newca",
    "version": 3,
    "sequence": 3,
    "details": {
      "type": "update_resource_entitlements",
      "parent": "my_parent",
      "entitlements": [
          "resource_class_name": "0",
          "resources": {
            "asn": "AS65000",
            "ipv4": "",
            "ipv6": "2001:db8::/32"
    "effect": {
      "result": "success",
      "events": [
  "result": {
    "Events": [
        "id": "newca",
        "version": 3,
        "details": {
          "type": "resource_class_added",
          "resource_class_name": "0",
          "parent": "my_parent",
          "parent_resource_class_name": "0",
          "pending_key": "16B31C92EB116BC60026C50944AD44205DD9ACBD"
        "id": "newca",
        "version": 4,
        "details": {
          "type": "certificate_requested",
          "resource_class_name": "0",
          "req": {
            "class_name": "0",
            "limit": {
              "asn": "none",
              "ipv4": "none",
              "ipv6": "none"
            "csr": "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"
          "ki": "16B31C92EB116BC60026C50944AD44205DD9ACBD"

Example API call:

$ krillc history details --ca newca --key command--1617875604--3--cmd-ca-parent-entitlements --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret

krillc roas

Manage ROAs for your CA.

Krill lets users create Route Origin Authorisations (ROAs), the signed objects that state which Autonomous System (AS) is authorised to originate one of your prefixes, along with the maximum prefix length it may have.

Note that we use a Krill specific notation for desscribing ROAs.

<prefix>[-max-length] => <ASN> [# optional comment]

Examples: => 65501 => 65501 # with comment => 65501 # with explicit max length equal to prefix length => 65501 # with max length allowing more specifics


Krill CAs let operators configure which authorizations they want to have on ROA objects. But it’s Krill that will figure out which objects to create for this. I.e. users just configure their intent to authorise an ASN to originate a prefix, but they do not need to worry about things like the actual ROA encoding, before and after times, object renewals, publishing, and under which parent the ROA is to be created - if there are multiple. However, we will refer to these authorizations as ROAs, because for all intent and purposes this difference is an implementation detail that Krill, by design, abstracts away from the operator.

    krillc roas [SUBCOMMAND]

    list      Show current authorizations
    update    Update authorizations
    bgp       Show current authorizations in relation to known announcements

krillc roas list

Show current configured ROAs.

    krillc roas list [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -c, --ca <name>         The name of the CA you wish to control. Or set env: KRILL_CLI_MY_CA

The text output shows all your current ROA configurations:

$ krillc roas list => 65501
2a04:b900::/29-29 => 65503 # my v6 router => 65502 # my secondary!!

The JSON response also includes information about the ROA objects that were issued for each of your configurations. Typically, you will have exactly one ROA object issued for each configuration. However, you may have more than one ROA object in case your CA holds the same prefix under more than one parent organisation - this should be extremely rare but this can happen in theory. You may have 0 ROA objects in case you added a ROA configuration, but you no longer hold the prefix on your CA certificate(s).

Because of this the JSON response includes an array of ROA objects rather than a single object:

    "asn": 65502,
    "prefix": "",
    "max_length": 22,
    "comment": "my secondary!!",
    "roa_objects": [
        "authorizations": [
          " => 65502"
        "validity": {
          "not_before": "2022-09-09T11:12:07.726607Z",
          "not_after": "2023-09-08T11:17:07.726609Z"
        "serial": "128656053576697823461520414002914294079408872181",
        "uri": "rsync://localhost/repo/ca/0/3138352e34392e3134302e302f32322d3232203d3e203635353032.roa",
        "hash": "a5eb7f117a920f938cfee05294284e8107b0f2b4eb33306b44c0e0a4321f0730"
    "asn": 65501,
    "prefix": "",
    "max_length": 22,
    "comment": null,
    "roa_objects": [
        "authorizations": [
          " => 65501"
        "validity": {
          "not_before": "2022-09-09T11:12:07.804941Z",
          "not_after": "2023-09-08T11:17:07.804943Z"
        "serial": "383786375903727552044603555364114288366864376546",
        "uri": "rsync://localhost/repo/ca/0/3138352e34392e3134302e302f32322d3232203d3e203635353031.roa",
        "hash": "b84e4a840bfa171c22836be8b9918a1a85da1f1578fa168a4cf598f73adf9d01"
    "asn": 65503,
    "prefix": "2a04:b900::/29",
    "max_length": 29,
    "comment": "my v6 router",
    "roa_objects": [
        "authorizations": [
          "2a04:b900::/29-29 => 65503"
        "validity": {
          "not_before": "2022-09-09T11:12:07.764079Z",
          "not_after": "2023-09-08T11:17:07.764081Z"
        "serial": "725767789577338305707073298821075818220425658157",
        "uri": "rsync://localhost/repo/ca/0/326130343a623930303a3a2f32392d3239203d3e203635353033.roa",
        "base64": "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",
        "hash": "f35bd38a7cdec57faa9df7a76bb5b98c61b09385f25cd89b43e33973e70e0560"


Krill always uses an explicit max length for stored ROA configurations. You can leave out the max length when submitting a new ROA configuration, but Krill will then convert it to use an explicit max length equal to the prefix length internally. The reason behind this is that Krill wants to avoid duplicate equivalent entries in its configuration. The ROA objects generated by Krill will only use an explicit max length if it is indeed more specific than the prefix length.

krillc roas update

Update ROAs.

The CLI supports adding or removing individual ROAs as well as submitting a file with a delta of additions and removals as an atomic delta. In terms of the API these options will call the same API end-point and always submit a JSON body with a delta.

  • Add a single ROA

Example CLI usage to add a ROA:

$ krillc roas update --add '2a04:b900::/29 => 65503 # my v6 router'

This will submit the following JSON to the API:

$ krillc roas update --add " => 64496" --api
  content-type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer secret
  "added": [
      "asn": 65503,
      "prefix": "2a04:b900::/29",
      "comment": "my v6 router"
  "removed": []

NOTE: if you want to leave out the comment in the API update you can either set its value to null or leave the json field out altogether in which case it will default to null.


ROA configurations can only be added if they are not yet present. Re-adding the same configuration will result in an error. That said, if an

  • Remove a single ROA

Example CLI usage to remove a ROA:

$ krillc roas update --remove  '2a04:b900::/29 => 65503'


The # style comments are not allowed when removing ROAs and will result in an error if included here.

This will submit the following JSON to the API:

$ krillc roas update --remove  '2a04:b900::/29 => 65503' --api
  content-type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer secret
  "added": [],
  "removed": [
      "asn": 65503,
      "prefix": "2a04:b900::/29"
  • Update multiple ROAs

You can also update multiple ROAs as a single delta. You can either use multiple –add and/or –remove arguments, or you can use –delta and refer to a file with all updates using the following format:

# Some comment
  # Indented comment

A: => 64496
A: => 64496   # Add prefix with max length
R: => 64496      # Remove existing authorization

And then call the CLI with the --delta option. The CLI will parse the delta file and submit a JSON body containing multiple changes:

krillc roas update --delta ./data/roa-delta.txt --ca newca --api
 content-type: application/json
 Authorization: Bearer secret
 "added": [
     "asn": 64496,
     "prefix": ""
     "asn": 64496,
     "prefix": "",
     "max_length": 20
 "removed": [
     "asn": 64496,
     "prefix": ""
  • Errors

You will get an error response if ROA updates cannot be applied. For example adding a duplicate ROA will result in the following error:

$ krillc roas update --ca newca --add " => 64496"
Delta rejected:

Cannot add the following duplicate ROAs: => 64496

The returned JSON for an error with with the label “ca-roa-delta-error” has a format similar to the normal error response, but with the addition of a delta_error entry with details. There you can expect 4 categories of errors:


You are trying to add a ROA that already exists


You are trying to add a ROA for a prefix you don’t hold


You are trying to remove a ROA that does not exist


You specified an invalid length/max_length for a prefix


  "label": "ca-roa-delta-error",
  "msg": "Delta rejected, see included json",
  "args": {},
  "delta_error": {
    "duplicates": [
        "asn": 1,
        "prefix": "",
        "max_length": 24,
        "comment": null
    "notheld": [
        "asn": 1,
        "prefix": ""
    "unknowns": [
        "asn": 1,
        "prefix": "",
        "comment": null
    "invalid_length": [
        "asn": 1,
        "prefix": "",
        "comment": null
  • Try

With RPKI ROAs you can create RPKI invalids in BGP if for example your prefix is multi homed and you authorise one ASN, but not another. Another cause of invalids might be that you authorise a covering prefix, but not more specific announcements that you do.

To help with this Krill also comes with a “try”, or “feeling lucky” feature. Meaning that when --try is specified with an update, Krill will check the effect of the update against what it knows about BGP announcements. If the effect has no negative side-effects then it will just be applied, but if it would result in any invalid announcements then an error report will be returned instead:

$ krillc roas update --ca newca --add " => 64496" --try
Unsafe update, please review

Effect would leave the following invalids:

  Announcements from invalid ASNs: => 64497 => 64497

  Announcements too specific for their ASNs: => 64496

You may want to consider this alternative:
Authorize these announcements which are currently not covered: => 64496 => 64497 => 64497

Example JSON response:

  "effect": [
      "asn": 64496,
      "prefix": "",
      "max_length": 16,
      "state": "roa_disallowing",
      "comment": null,
      "roa_objects": [ ... ],
      "disallows": [
          "asn": 64496,
          "prefix": ""
          "asn": 64497,
          "prefix": ""
          "asn": 64497,
          "prefix": ""
      "asn": 64496,
      "prefix": "",
      "state": "announcement_invalid_length",
      "disallowed_by": [
          "asn": 64496,
          "prefix": "",
          "max_length": 16
      "asn": 64497,
      "prefix": "",
      "state": "announcement_invalid_asn",
      "disallowed_by": [
          "asn": 64496,
          "prefix": "",
          "max_length": 16
      "asn": 64497,
      "prefix": "",
      "state": "announcement_invalid_asn",
      "disallowed_by": [
          "asn": 64496,
          "prefix": "",
          "max_length": 16
  "suggestion": {
    "not_found": [
        "asn": 64496,
        "prefix": ""
        "asn": 64497,
        "prefix": ""
        "asn": 64497,
        "prefix": ""

The API call for this is the same as when posting a normal ROA delta, except that /try is appended to the path, e.g.: POST https://localhost:3000/api/v1/cas/newca/routes/try


Krill does this analysis based on RIPE RIS BGP information. This information may be outdated, or incomplete. More importantly it may also include erroneous or even malicious announcements that are seen in the global BGP. So ALWAYS review the report and suggestions returned by Krill! Note, we plan to support other ways of getting BGP information into Krill in future - e.g. by parsing a local BGP feed or table.

  • Dryrun

The dryrun option is similar to try, except that, well, it doesn’t even try to apply a change. It just reports the effects of a change including positive effects.. so, actually, it is different:

$ krillc roas update --ca newca --add " => 64496" --dryrun
Authorizations covering announcements seen:

        Definition: => 64496

       => 64496

Announcements which are valid:

        Announcement: => 64496

krillc roas bgp


Krill does BGP analysis based on RIPE RIS BGP information. This information may be outdated, or incomplete. More importantly it may also include erroneous or even malicious announcements that are seen in the global BGP. So ALWAYS review the reports and suggestions returned by Krill! Note, we plan to support other ways of getting BGP information into Krill in future - e.g. by parsing a local BGP feed or table.

The ROA vs BGP analysis is used in the try and dryrun options when applying a ROA delta, but this can also be accessed proactively. For this the CLI has the following subcommands:

krillc roas bgp analyze   Show full report of ROAs vs known BGP announcements
krillc roas bgp suggest   Show ROA suggestions based on known BGP announcements

Example of the analyze function:

$ krillc roas bgp analyze --ca newca
Authorizations covering announcements seen:

        Definition: => 64496

       => 64496

       => 64497

Authorizations disallowing announcements seen. You may want to use AS0 ROAs instead:

        Definition: => 64496

       => 64497
       => 64497

Announcements which are valid:

        Announcement: => 64496

Announcements from an unauthorized ASN:

        Announcement: => 64497

                Disallowed by authorization(s):
       => 64496
       => 64496

        Announcement: => 64497

                Disallowed by authorization(s):
       => 64496

Announcements which are 'not found' (not covered by any of your authorizations):

        Announcement: => 64497
        Announcement: => 64496
        Announcement: => 64497
        Announcement: => 64496
        Announcement: => 64496

Example output of the “suggest” option:

$ krillc roas bgp suggest --ca newca
Remove the following ROAs which only disallow announcements (did you use the wrong ASN?), if this is intended you may want to use AS0 instead: => 64496

Keep the following authorizations: => 64496

Authorize these announcements which are currently not covered: => 64497 => 64496 => 64497 => 64496 => 64496

Authorize these announcements which are currently invalid because they are not allowed for these ASNs: => 64497 => 64497

krillc bgpsec

Manage BGPSec Router Certificates for your CA.

Krill lets users create RFC 8209 BGPSec Router Certificates. These certificates are used in BGPSec to authorise a router key for an ASN in the RPKI.

At the moment BGPSec deployment is virtually non-existent, so you are unlikely to need this. However, this functionality is provided in the hope that it will help the community gain operational experience that may help BGPSec deployment.

Currently BGPSec Router Certificates can only be managed through the API. If there is popular demand we will add this to the UI in future.

    krillc bgpsec [SUBCOMMAND]

    list      Show current BGPSec configurations
    add      Add BGPSec configurations
    remove      Remove a BGPSec definition

krillc bgpsec list

Show the current BGPSec configurations.

Example CLI:

$ krillc bgpsec list
ASN, key identifier, CSR base64
AS211321, 17316903F0671229E8808BA8E8AB0105FA915A07, MIH.....

Example JSON response:

krillc bgpsec add

Add a new BGPSec configurations. I.e. choose an ASN you hold and a Certificate Sign Request (CSR) you got from your router so that Krill can create a BGPSec Router Certificate for it.

Example CLI:

$ krillc bgpsec add --asn AS65000 --csr ./router-csr.der

This will submit the following JSON to the API:

$ krillc bgpsec add --asn AS65000 --csr ./router-csr.der --api
  content-type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer secret
  "add": [
      "asn": 65000,
  "remove": []


krillc bgpsec remove

Note that Krill may actually create multiple BGPSec Router Certificates based on the CSR if you hold the ASN multiple times. E.g. under mutliple parents. In practice this is unlikely to happen, but this is conceptually important when it comes to removal. You can remove any and all BGPSec Router Certificate by asking Krill to remove the configuration for a given ASN and router key identifier (as shown in the list command).

Example CLI:

$ krillc bgpsec remove --asn AS65000 --key 17316903F0671229E8808BA8E8AB0105FA915A07

This submits the following JSON to the API:

$ krillc bgpsec remove --asn AS65000 --key 17316903F0671229E8808BA8E8AB0105FA915A07 --api
  content-type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer secret
  "add": [],
  "remove": [

Careful observers may have noticed that the API supports mutliple additions and removals in a single update. However, such bulk changes are not yet supported in the CLI.

krillc bulk

Manually trigger refresh/republish/resync for all CAs.

Normally there is no need to use these functions. Krill has background processes that these functions run whenever they are needed. However, they may be useful in cases where the connection between your CA(s) and their remote parents or repository may be broken for example, and you want to debug the issue.

There are three “bulk” subcommands available:

    krillc bulk [SUBCOMMAND]

    publish    Force that all CAs create new objects if needed (in which case they will also sync)
    refresh    Force that all CAs ask their parents for updated certificates
    sync       Force that all CAs sync with their repo server

krillc bulk publish

Force that all CAs create new objects if needed (in which case they will also sync). Note that this function is executed when Krill starts up and then again every 10 minutes.

Example CLI:

$ krillc bulk publish

Example API call:

$ krillc bulk publish --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret

krillc bulk refresh

Force that all CAs ask their parents for updated certificates. Note that this function is executed when Krill starts up and then again every 10 minutes.

Example CLI:

$ krillc bulk refresh

Example API call:

$ krillc bulk refresh --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret

krillc bulk sync

Force that all CAs sync with their publication server.

This function is executed when Krill starts up. When Krill is running then CAs will synchronise with their publication server whenever there is new content to publish. And if such a synchronisation fails, then Krill will schedule another attempt every 5 minutes until synchronisation succeeds.

However, if you believe that there is an issue with the publication server, or you wish to debug connection issues, then you can trigger this function manually:

$ krillc bulk sync --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret

krillc children

Manage children for a CA in Krill.

Most operators will not need this, but just like you can operate your Krill CA under an RIR or NIR, you can delegate your resources to so-called child CAs. This may be useful in case you need to authorise different units of your organisation or customers to manage some of your prefixes.

    krillc children [SUBCOMMAND]

    add            Add a child to a CA
    info           Show info for a child (id and resources)
    update         Update an existing child of a CA
    response       Show the RFC8183 Parent Response XML
    connections    Show connections stats for children of a CA
    suspend        Suspend a child CA: hide certificate(s) issued to child
    unsuspend      Suspend a child CA: republish certificate(s) issued to child
    remove         Remove an existing child from a CA

krillc children add

Add a child to a CA. To add a child, you will need to:
  1. Choose a unique local name (handle) that the parent will use for the child

  2. Choose initial resources (asn, ipv4, ipv6)

  3. Present the child’s RFC 8183 request

The default response is the RFC 8183 parent response XML file. Or, if you set --format json you will get the plain API response.

If you need the response again, you can use the krillc children response command.

When you use the CLI you can provide a path to the Child Request XML and the CLI will parse this, and convert it to the JSON that Krill expects when adding a child. We chose to use a different format here because we needed to include other information not contained in the XML. I.e. just submitting the plain XML would not work here.

Example CLI:

$ krillc children add --ca testbed --child newca --ipv4 "" --ipv6 "2001:db8::/32" --asn "AS65000" --request ./data/new-ca-child-request.xml
<parent_response xmlns="" version="1" service_uri="https://localhost:3000/rfc6492/testbed" child_handle="newca" parent_handle="testbed">

Example API call:

$ krillc children add --ca testbed --child newca --ipv4 "" --ipv6 "2001:db8::/32" --asn "AS65000" --request ./data/new-ca-child-request.xml --api
  content-type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer secret
  "handle": "newca",
  "resources": {
    "asn": "AS65000",
    "ipv4": "",
    "ipv6": "2001:db8::/32"
  "id_cert": "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"

krillc children info

Show info for a child: state, id certificate info and resources. The “state” can either be “active”, or “suspended”.

Example CLI:

$ krillc children info --ca testbed --child newca

SHA256 hash of PEM encoded certificate: 992ac17d85fef11d8be4aa37806586ce68b61fe9cf65c0965928dbce0c398a99
resources: asn: , v4:,, v6:
state: active

Example JSON response:

  "state": "active",
  "id_cert": {
    "pem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDNDCCAhygAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAzMTEwLwYDVQQDEyhFRjJE\nNzgwRkNCRkU1QjZBMkExMjA1OUM0MDlDN0M5Mjc3NTQxOTU2MB4XDTIxMDQwNzE0\nMzUxNFoXDTM2MDQwNzE0NDAxNFowMzExMC8GA1UEAxMoRUYyRDc4MEZDQkZFNUI2\nQTJBMTIwNTlDNDA5QzdDOTI3NzU0MTk1NjCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEP\nADCCAQoCggEBANuBsEO4C9n7PlYcDT0PTeZntR5l778lZQDsgxiB7ofLrg8lKcf8\nugFiYI4vRqR+gDMHhR3t/X3Ho5gC7uuKf4LYqbJj+Z9ltr/236/hDYJfWMXZVcEu\nL+wUble1zhe2NKrgnAkpReVMSdiugoqZ9ICK2Fwkj5jCGc/qHiWOba7T78zfij8O\nlB/dGlJvkAY8b/XTNKsTrLozi1uVAC8GqDrV5MEgY/NfzUvgA024yxx/rC6QBDEo\nBjnP7wDFiaZ2lwvL2beVYu6/hVcXQzsVN+ijy7cGdkE6zi0meXJLTHPEpoA88hi3\nPi+pIDBIQ3wTcpQIOqAq/SZuh4dbZK7BV8MCAwEAAaNTMFEwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUw\nAwEB/zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQU7y14D8v+W2oqEgWcQJx8kndUGVYwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAU\n7y14D8v+W2oqEgWcQJx8kndUGVYwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAArqsa/gpJtO\nNdgIWV1EqwEzhKKA2EP6tLDF9ejsdMFNYrYr+2hVWaoLsSuarfwfLFSgKDFqR6sh\n3ljYq6mIz9gdkjBOJsR9JyHFEtsDsRpf8Hs1WlbIb8bWb73Cp/YPMPVBpmG15Z9i\nKantzC1tck+E1xYW5awvj+YZqGVqyFdPJOZWmaYoS83kWvg4g4IucXTH6wwy23MQ\n7+0gyoK4wxfXRQmWjlXpLueCOsJo7ZXopsDAmXHLoFKZVEXn1ocQNc91l521BEQ6\nt/d7srQA4IxZCRGh9B+JdAIOKuXBA0nncmMJLQN8Qpxlz2bxKKAgXBLdoDqjbTDV\nbXTPM8YLRgc=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
    "hash": "992ac17d85fef11d8be4aa37806586ce68b61fe9cf65c0965928dbce0c398a99"
  "entitled_resources": {
    "asn": "",
    "ipv4": ",",
    "ipv6": ""

Example API call:

$ krillc children info --ca testbed --child newca  --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret

krillc children update

Update the resource entitlements of an existing child of a CA, or update the identity certificate that they will use when sending RFC 6492 requests.


When updating resources you need to specify the full new set of resource entitlements for the child. This is not a delta. Also if you specify one resource type only like --ipv4, then --ipv6 and --asn will be assumed to be intentionally empty:

$ krillc children update --ca testbed --child newca --ipv4 ""  --api
  content-type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer secret
  "id_cert": null,
  "resources": {
    "asn": "",
    "ipv4": "",
    "ipv6": ""

When updating an ID certificate the CLI expects it to be DER encoded. It will submit it in base64 encoded form to the API and leave the “resources” as null then. The null value means that this is not updated:

$ krillc children update --ca testbed --child newca --idcert ./data/new-ca.cer --api
  content-type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer secret
  "id_cert": "MIIDNDCCAhygAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAzMTEwLwYDVQQDEyhFRjJENzgwRkNCRkU1QjZBMkExMjA1OUM0MDlDN0M5Mjc3NTQxOTU2MB4XDTIxMDQwNzE0MzUxNFoXDTM2MDQwNzE0NDAxNFowMzExMC8GA1UEAxMoRUYyRDc4MEZDQkZFNUI2QTJBMTIwNTlDNDA5QzdDOTI3NzU0MTk1NjCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBANuBsEO4C9n7PlYcDT0PTeZntR5l778lZQDsgxiB7ofLrg8lKcf8ugFiYI4vRqR+gDMHhR3t/X3Ho5gC7uuKf4LYqbJj+Z9ltr/236/hDYJfWMXZVcEuL+wUble1zhe2NKrgnAkpReVMSdiugoqZ9ICK2Fwkj5jCGc/qHiWOba7T78zfij8OlB/dGlJvkAY8b/XTNKsTrLozi1uVAC8GqDrV5MEgY/NfzUvgA024yxx/rC6QBDEoBjnP7wDFiaZ2lwvL2beVYu6/hVcXQzsVN+ijy7cGdkE6zi0meXJLTHPEpoA88hi3Pi+pIDBIQ3wTcpQIOqAq/SZuh4dbZK7BV8MCAwEAAaNTMFEwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQU7y14D8v+W2oqEgWcQJx8kndUGVYwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAU7y14D8v+W2oqEgWcQJx8kndUGVYwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAArqsa/gpJtONdgIWV1EqwEzhKKA2EP6tLDF9ejsdMFNYrYr+2hVWaoLsSuarfwfLFSgKDFqR6sh3ljYq6mIz9gdkjBOJsR9JyHFEtsDsRpf8Hs1WlbIb8bWb73Cp/YPMPVBpmG15Z9iKantzC1tck+E1xYW5awvj+YZqGVqyFdPJOZWmaYoS83kWvg4g4IucXTH6wwy23MQ7+0gyoK4wxfXRQmWjlXpLueCOsJo7ZXopsDAmXHLoFKZVEXn1ocQNc91l521BEQ6t/d7srQA4IxZCRGh9B+JdAIOKuXBA0nncmMJLQN8Qpxlz2bxKKAgXBLdoDqjbTDVbXTPM8YLRgc=",
  "resources": null

krillc children response

Get the RFC 8183 Parent Response for a child. The child will need this to add your CA as their parent.

Example CLI:

$ krillc children response --ca testbed --child newca
<parent_response xmlns="" version="1" service_uri="https://localhost:3000/rfc6492/testbed" child_handle="newca" parent_handle="testbed">

Example API call:

$ krillc children response --ca testbed --child newca --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret

Note that the API always returns the RFC 8183 Parent Response in JSON format, but the CLI converts it. Other API endpoints support getting such files in either JSON or RFC standard XML format. If there is desire to support this here as well, then we will add this in a future release.

krillc children connections

Show the connections stats for children of a CA. This can be useful for monitoring for potentially deactivated child CAs. Furthermore the user-agent for the last known connection from each child is shown. This can help to monitor for children running potentially outdated RPKI CA implementations (old krill versions or other implementations).

Example CLI:

$ krillc children connections --ca testbed

Example API call:

$ krillc children connections --ca testbed --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret

Example JSON response:

  "children": [
      "handle": "newca",
      "last_exchange": {
        "timestamp": 1632477600,
        "result": "Success",
        "user_agent": "krill/0.9.2"
      "state": "active"
      "handle": "oldca",
      "last_exchange": {
        "timestamp": 1632477600,
        "result": "Success",
        "user_agent": "krill"
      "state": "active"
      "handle": "brandnewca",
      "last_exchange": null,
      "state": "active"

Note that krill 0.9.1 and below use the user-agent “krill”, while krill 0.9.2 and above include the version, e.g.: “krill/0.9.2”. Other RPKI CA implementation may or may not include user-agents strings in their requests.

Furthermore note that the “last_exchange” may be “null” in case a CA was just added by the parent, but the child CA did not import the parent XML response yet - or was otherwise unable to connect.

The “last_exchange” field will also be “null” after upgrading to krill 0.9.2. This information was not kept prior to krill 0.9.2 so, after upgrading, this will only be set when your existing child CAs connect for the first time.

krillc children suspend

If you believe that a child CA has been deactivated then you may wish to “suspend” it, rather than remove it altogether. If you suspend a child CA, then any certificate(s) issued to it by your CA will be withdrawn, and they will no longer be processed by RPKI validation software. This is particularly useful if the manifest and CRL of the child CA have expired, and presumably their ROAs are no longer maintained either.

If and when a “suspended” child CA connects to your CA again, it will automatically be “un-suspended”. Meaning that any certificate(s) previously issued to this child will be published again.

The main goal of this is to facilitate an easier recovery path in cases where a child CA suffers a long outage. By “suspending” them until the child CA is reactivated you suppress RPKI validation errors for their expired publication point, while ensuring that the delegation to this CA will be re-enabled as soon as it is successfully started.

Example CLI/API:

$ krillc children suspend --ca testbed --child newca --api

  content-type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer secret
  "suspend": true


It is not always trivial to figure out if a child CA has been deactivated. The expiry of the child CA’s manifest and CRL is a strong indication of this, but this information is not available to the krill CA parent. What it does have is the knowledge of when a child CA connected for the last time.

If the child CA did not connect for a long time, then the parent may be inclined to think that they have been deactived. This is true for child CAs running Krill 0.9.2 or above, because here the maximum configurable ‘refresh’ rate is one hour. So, if you have not seen any connection attempts for such child CAs for, say 8 hours, then you can safely suspend them.

However, earlier krill versions, while using a default of 10 minutes, would allow overriding this value without any upper bound. Other RPKI CA implementations may also use longer cycles.

In short: be careful before deciding that a child CA is truly deactived.

krillc children unsuspend

If needed you can manually “un-suspend” a “suspended” child CA. Generally speaking there is no need do this, because a child will be un-suspended automatically whenever it re-connects with your CA.

Example CLI/API:

$ krillc children unsuspend --ca testbed --child newca --api
  content-type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer secret
  "suspend": false

krillc children remove

Remove an existing child from a CA. This removes and revokes any certificate(s) issued to this child CA. Furthermore this child CA, if still active or re-activated, will no longer be allowed to connect to your CA. They will have to remove you as a parent first and then re-do the XML exchange with you in order to be re-added as a child.

if you think that the child CA may be temporarily disabled, then you may wish to “suspend” them instead.


If the child CA was created in krill using the krillc children add –ca testbed –child newca command, this command does not remove the child CA. You must still execute krillc delete –ca newca in order to compelety remove the child CA.

Example CLI / API call:

$ krillc children remove --ca testbed --child newca --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret

krillc keyroll

Perform a key rollover for a CA.

Krill supports RFC 6489 Key Rollovers. The process is manual for now. I.e. it’s up to the operator to initiate a key rollover - there is no automation based on key age for example. We expect that this is what operators would want. More importantly though, this also means that operators should execute both steps in the process to start and finish the key rollover:

krillc keyroll init        Initialise roll for all keys held by this CA.
krillc keyroll activate    Finish roll for all keys held by this CA.

krillc keyroll init

Initialise roll for all keys held by this CA.

Example CLI/API call:

$ krillc keyroll init --ca newca --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret

krillc keyroll activate

Finish roll for all keys held by this CA.

Note that RFC 6489 says that you should wait 24 hours before doing this step. So, please observe this period for planned key rollovers. For emergency rollovers where the old key is compromised, or if this rollover is part of an emergency migration to a new publication server, do this step as soon as possible.

Example CLI/API:

$ krillc keyroll activate --ca newca --api
  Authorization: Bearer secret