Manage ASPA Objects


The IETF is still discussing and recently changed the ASPA object profile. Krill currently supports the previous (V0) version of the profile. RPKI validators may reject these objects.

The change to be aware of is that the new version dropped the optional AFI limit for provider ASNs. Krill 0.14.0 will support the new profile. Any existing configurations will be re-imported on upgrade (excluding the AFI limit). This migration will remove the history for pre-0.14.0 ASPA configurations so that we can remove the AFI limit concept from the code, thus improving future maintainability.

In short, you can experiment with ASPA objects in Krill, but keep the above in mind.

ASPA Configurations

As with ROA support, Krill lets operators define the ASPA configurations for which they want to have ASPA objects. The actual ASPA objects are then created by Krill under any parent where the ‘customer AS’ is in the set of received resources. I.e. if theoretically your CA would receive this same ASN under two different parents, then Krill would create an ASPA object with the same content under each.

Furthermore, just like with ROAs, Krill issues these objects with a default validity time of 52 weeks, and will automatically re-issue these objects 4 weeks before they would expire - as long as a configuration still exists and the customer ASN is held by your CA.

ASPA Configuration Notation

ASPA objects allow operators to specify a list of provider ASNs, in the sense of BGP rather than in terms of business relations, where their own ‘customer’ ASN can send updates. Providers can optionally be restricted to IPv4 or IPv6 only.

Krill uses the following notation style to make it easy to define such configurations when using the CLI:

AS65000 => AS65001, AS65002(v4), AS65003(v6)


You can only have ONE ASPA configuration for each customer ASN. This is because Krill MUST (RFC) create a single ASPA object, for all provider ASNs.

The provider list may not be empty, and it must have entries for both IPv4 and IPv6. If you explicitly want to state that your customer AS has providers for one AFI, but not for the other then you will need to add either AS0(v4) or AS0(v6).

Add an ASPA

You can add ASPA definition using the following command:

$ krillc aspas add --aspa "AS65000 => AS65001, AS65002(v4), AS65003(v6)"

This uses the following API call:

List ASPAs


$ krillc aspas list
AS65000 => AS65001, AS65002(v4), AS65003(v6)


  Authorization: Bearer secret

JSON response:

$ krillc aspas list --format json
    "customer": "AS65000",
    "providers": [

Update an ASPA

You can add or remove providers to/from the ASPA configuration for one of your customer ASNs:

Using the CLI:

$ krillc aspas update --customer AS65000 --add "AS65005" --remove "AS65001"

Or using the API:

krillc aspas update --customer AS65000 --add "AS65005" --remove "AS65001" --api
  content-type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer secret
  "added": [
  "removed": [


The update function is designed to be idempotent. You can use this function to add a provider for your customer AS, even if you did not yet have any ASPA defined. Krill will then just create a new ASPA config for you. If you try adding a provider that is already listed for the customer, then the operation will simply have no effect. If you remove the last provider, then Krill will remove the entire ASPA configuration and object for your customer AS.

Remove an ASPA

You can remove the ASPA configuration for a given customer ASN.

Using the CLI:

$ krillc aspas remove --customer AS65000

Or using the API:

krillc aspas remove --customer AS65000 --api
  content-type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer secret
  "add_or_replace": [],
  "remove": [